  • Prepositions introduce some expressions of time:

    multos annos = "
    many years"
  • Words/Phrases in Acc./Abl. case without prepositions introduce other ideas of time:
    a) Accusative of duration of time:
    multos annos = "for many years"
    b) Ablative of time when and Ablative of time within which:
    aestate = "in summer"
    eo tempore = "at that time"
  • Adverbs introduce some expressions of time:
    a) cras = "tomorrow"; hodie = "today"; etc.
    b) abhinc tres dies = "three days ago"
    c) post, after(ward) + ablative
    ante, previously, before + ablative
    tribus post diebus = "three days later"
    tribus ante diebus = "three days before"

When you are moving towards an object, use Accusative
When you are moving away from an object, use Ablative

ad + accusative = to/towards
in + accusative = into*
in + ablative = in/on*
a, ab + ablative = away from
e, ex + ablative = out from
de + ablative = down from
*denotes Locative case

Locative case: (when there is no motion involved) With names of cities, towns, and small islands, use the locative case without a proposition to indicated a place in which
-with singular nouns of the 1st/2nd declension, use
genitive endings
-with singular nouns of the 3rd declension, use
ablative (sometives dative) endings
-with plural nouns, use
ablative endings

Rus, ruri is a 3rd declension neuter noun; its locative is ruri

Use this chart for endings to the irregular verb domus ("home"):

Singular Singular Plural
Nom. us us
Gen. us i (locative) uum orum
Dat. ui o ibus
Acc. um us os
Abl. u o ibus

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